The Progressive Era


Explore the ins and outs of turn-of-the-century labor law, business, housing, and immigration.


Access primary sources, activities, instructional tips, and assessments for a unit on the Progressive Era.

Article Body

This unit on the Progressive Era consists of seven teaching activities, which build upon each other and culminate in an optional service learning project exploring modern day progressivism. Each part of the unit can be downloaded as an individual PDF, or the entirety can be downloaded at once. Overall, the complete package is age-appropriate, while also challenging students to develop historical thinking skills.

Activities 3, 4, and 5 utilize primary source documents and photographs, and ask students to analyze documents and draw conclusions from them. Activity 3, for instance, prompts students to examine child labor and its impact by looking at two collections of photographs—Kids at Work and Kids on Strike. It then asks students to consider questions such as "How did the people that wrote these books put their stories together?" and "What sources did they use to be successful history detectives?"

While each part of this lesson builds on the last, teachers can pick and choose among the seven activities. For teachers looking for more direction, the lesson includes a narrative script that can be used to frame each activity. It also includes a vocabulary list, a student learning chart/grading rubric, and a collection of links to selected websites.

The Progressive Era, immigration, industrialization, capitalism
Time Estimate
1-7 days



A brief overview of historical background for each activity is included in the "Narrative Flow, Teachers' Background."


Students are asked to read primary documents, and there are opportunities for original student writing based on document analysis.




The unit includes close analysis of both text and photographic primary sources.


The scaffolding is very well-done, including student-friendly language and examples.


The process for each activity is clear.


A rubric is included that focuses on both content goals and process goals.


The rubrics are divided into content and process goals.


Lesson is also open to teacher adaptation.

Promise of Gold Mountain: Tucson's Chinese Heritage


This is a collection of material about the history of Chinese-Americans in Tucson, Arizona. It is one of five sections in an exhibit about ethnic diversity in Tucson. The site includes four 600-1,200-word biographies of Chinese-Americans in Tucson. Chinese-American history in the Tucson area is discussed in three 600-word essays about the railroads, farming and small business, and the development of Chinatowns in Tucson. Highlighted text in each essay links to three to ten photos. There are seven video clips of interviews of 20 seconds to two and a half minutes with and about a Chinese-American woman who grew up in Tucson in the 1940s. A page of sources lists eight books and articles about Chinese settlement in the west. The site will be useful for research about Asian-Americans, the west, and ethnicity in general.

When They Were Young: A Photographic Retrospective of Childhood


These 66 photographs capture the diverse experiences of children from many different parts of the world from the 1840s to the mid-20th century. The collection includes early 19th-century daguerreotypes, turn of the century studio portraits, and 20th-century prints and stereographs of young people. The portraits of children include those born into privilege, such as Tad Lincoln, son of the President Abraham Lincoln, and a young Theodore Roosevelt, as well as children of tenant farmers in Florida, California, and Texas during the Great Depression. There are also images of children from around the world, including children in Paris, Puerto Rico, Greece, and the Virgin Islands. There are poignant photographs of Cheyenne and Apache children from the Pacific Northwest, Mexican girls in Texas, and African American boys in Harlem.

The collection includes photographs culled from the American Red Cross Collection and the W.E. B. Du Bois Collection, in addition to pictures of African Americans in Washington D.C. by renowned photographer Gordon Parks. Four short descriptions (50 words) by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Coles and information about his book, produced in conjunction with the exhibit, When They Were Young, accompany the collection.

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum


This website serves as an introduction to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, IL.

In addition to logistical information on visiting the library and museum (including floor plans, photographs, tips on planning school visits, exhibit information, and archival collection descriptions especially useful for researchers), the website also presents a substantial amount of digital material on Lincoln's life and times and Illinois history more generally.

New users may want to begin with an extensive timeline documenting major events in Lincoln's life. Teachers will be especially interested in the resources available in the website's Education section, which includes extensive guides to teaching the Gettysburg Address, teaching with objects, women's history, African American history, and celebrating Christmas at the White House.

The website also includes a Boys in Blue database of many Illinois soldiers who fought for the Union during the Civil War, as well as an oral history project documenting the lives of Illinois citizens from all walks of life. Current topics include war veterans and agriculture, with plans to include hundreds more interviews on statecraft, war and terror, family memories, and African American history.

U.S. Steel Gary Works Photograph Collection, 1906-1971


This site presents more than 2,200 digital images of the Gary Works Steel Mill and the corporate town of Gary, IN. The "tour" includes 36 photographs with interpretive text documenting the creation of the steel mill and city life in Gary. The main body of the site contains thousands of digital images and users can search by keyword or browse by subject and date for various aspects of this planned industrial community. The subject headings include the steel mill and its workers; factories and furnaces; houses and office buildings; women, children, and welfare facilities; and work accidents. The "Contextual Materials" section is a good starting place for historians and researchers interested in the Industrial Revolution. It includes an approximately 2,200-word introductory essay, "The Magic City of Steel," by Steve McShane; four magazine articles dating from 1907 to 1913; six book excerpts, including the 1911 work by John Fitch, The Steel Workers; 14 pages from Raymond Mohl and Neil Betten's Steel City: Urban and Ethnic Patterns in Gary, Indiana, 1906-1950 and the Carl Sandburg poem, "The Mayor of Gary."

This section is rounded out by a nearly 80-item bibliography and links to additional information about Gary, steel making, and 30 archival collections. There is also a "Teacher's Guide" with ten primary and secondary school lesson plans and other online activities. A great site that is easily navigable for researchers, teachers, and students.

Picturing Modern America Project


It is difficult at times for young people (and people in general) to understand the past, even the more recent past of the past century or so. It seems almost banal to observe that many aspects of life have changed dramatically, and perhaps not so banal to note that many things have in fact not changed as much as we think. This fine site contains a number of interactive exercises (drawing on the vast collections of the American Memory Project at the Library of Congress) that will help deepen students' understanding of common topics in the study of modern America from 1880 to 1920 and to build their skills in analyzing primary sources.

Teachers and student alike will appreciate the "Investigations" area, which contains exercises such as "Picturing Social Change", "Modern Women", and "Picturing Prairie Life". Through the exercises, visitors will be asked a variety of questions that draw on the visual materials contained within each thematic section, such as "What brought people to the prairie?" or "Why might people have left the prairie?". Visitors also have the opportunity to build their own exhibits by choosing their own theme or question about modern America, and through choosing their own images and documents for their exhibit.

With an Even Hand: Brown v. Board at Fifty


This exhibition commemorates the 50th anniversary of the pivotal 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas case. It offers 116 images, including book covers, letters, political cartoons, and photographs. Exhibition Overview is a 300-word introduction to the exhibit and its significance.

The website is divided into three sections: A Century of Racial Segregation, Brown v. Board of Education, and The Aftermath, all of which consist of links to documents, detailed paragraphs on selected documents, and events related to that section. "Discover" buttons are dispersed throughout these exhibit sections; and, when clicked, reveal more information and answer a particular question, such as "What is 'separate but equal?'"

The Exhibition Checklist includes links to all images used on the site. The site is an ideal resource for students interested in the historical developments that led to the Brown v. Board decision.

American Memory Learning Page


Designed to provide support for elementary, middle, and high school history teachers, this site makes the entire American Memory collection at the Library of Congress available for classroom learning. Using the more than 7 million digital sources available through American Memory's 100 collections, the creators have written and collected 140 lesson plans for teaching American history. Organized chronologically and thematically, the lesson plans are detailed suggestions for classroom activities. Each has a recommended age group and uses primary sources collected by students or teachers from American Memory.

Especially useful are the included guides on using primary sources, using American Memory resources, and using digital or Internet sources in the classroom. A "Professional Development" section offers online workshops and tutorials to improve teachers' digital literacy. An excellent resource for the classroom, this site would be useful to both student and teacher.

Creative Memo on Lay's Products

Image Credits
  • Ad*Access
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Gallery of Design Graphics
  • Hagley Digital Archives
  • IPC Media
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Plan59
  • Washington Post
Video Overview

Historian Roger Horowitz analyzes a 1957 market research report on the public perception of potato chips. In these videos, Horowitz models several historical thinking skills:

  • (1) drawing on prior knowledge of consumer culture in the 1950s;
  • (2) close reading of the report to learn about the study of consumer behavior;
  • (3) highlighting source information, such as report date and author; and
  • (4) placing the report within a larger context of advertising history and postwar culture.
Video Clip Name
Video Clip Title
Looking at the Document
Reading Between the Lines
Teaching Strategies
Video Clip Duration
Transcript Text

These research reports are a way of understanding some of the products that are coming into the market, and the advertising and marketing strategies that are being employed, and with that, it's also an insight into the attitudes and aspirations of many people in the '40s and '50s, who had not had anything as children, had been poor, and suddenly find themselves in the situation of relative affluence. So, it's a view, it offers insight into, of course, the changing marketplace, but I think more profoundly, into the changing desires and horizons of consumption that become possible for Americans, you know, after the end of World War II, and with the beginning of the post-war prosperity.

The document I've brought here today is a study. It’s called "Creative Memo on Lay's Products," and it was prepared by Ernest Dichter of the Institute for Motivational Research. Mr. Dichter, or Dr. Dichter, was the leading market research psychologist of the 1950s and the 1960s, and this research report is one of 2,000 that's in the collection of the Hagley Museum and Library. This report is a very important report. It recommends advertising policy to Lay's potato chips in the 1950s, and recommends how they should expand their sales. And it reflects the wide range of materials that Mr. Dichter has in his collection about all industries in the United States, from baked goods to cars to toys, to all sorts of areas in which he uses market research to tell producers how to sell their goods to the public.

And in this report he uses in-depth research interviews with consumers, observational techniques, to figure out why Lay's can't sell more potato chips. And the problem, he discovers, is that people view potato chips as a snack food, as a food that's probably unhealthy, as a food which is a luxury; therefore, it acts as a restraint on sales. And so he recommends a series of steps for the Lay's company to address this.

The preeminent one is to portray potato chips as a real food by having it placed in settings such as school lunches and institutional cafeterias and restaurants, as a side dish. And the idea behind that is that if you receive potato chips as part of a meal, you're not going to think about them as a snack. You're not going to think about them as unhealthy. You're going to think about them as food. And if you think about that as food, you're more likely to purchase them to have in the house on an ongoing basis.

And, of course, Lay's then takes this and does a wide range of marketing and approaching restaurants and other places to put potato chips in regular meals, and in so doing transformed the way consumers think about potato chips as a food item. It's a very significant report, because it's obviously very successful in the kind of consumption that we have of potato chips.

And, I brought it here because it reflects the use of market research in the 1950s and the 1960s, to expand consumption and to influence the attitudes of consumers.

It's also very useful to understand the consumer marketplace. His use of interviews, and his derivation of the results, allows you to understand not just what companies were trying to do, but what consumers thought.

And in these reports, this one as many others, there are extended quotes from consumers, there's data, there's all sorts of information about consumer attitudes to various products, towards various things. And that information can be used for many other purposes, not just studying potato chips.

But, for understanding attitudes towards children's consumption, there's a lot in this report about children, about all sorts of other topics. So, these reports are useful for both understanding it as a business source, how firms expanded their products, but also to get at a topic which is very hard to get at. What did people think? What were their attitudes? What were their underlying assumptions about goods in the marketplace?

He advises that what advertising has to do for the firms is turn chips into a mealtime food, quote, "As an acceptable food, a real food." Or an another example, this is again Dichter's advice, "Potato chips must be taken out of the category of foods which must be fought against." In other words, changing consumer ideas.

Here is another case where he is referring to the fear that consumers have that potato chips are bad. One person says, "I love them, but I don't like to have them around as they're so fattening. You can't stop eating them once you start." Now, this is interpreted by him as creating two problems. One is that people don't want to have them, you know, in the house. Instead, they're likely to buy them on impulse for snacking. That's a problem. But, the other is, what he would interpret from a Freudian sense, as this person feeling that somehow they're seductive, somehow they are a temptation to be resisted. And that's why he advises, "Make it a regular food."

So rather than treating them as a luxury, as sort of a—as like chocolate, you don't want them to be chocolate, you want them to be potato—like French-fried potatoes, like carrots. Something that you add to your food so that—as a conventional food, so you don't have this sort of fear that, quote, "You can't stop eating them once you start."

Well, to suggest this off the top of my head, I would do a survey of the class first, asking them their attitudes towards potato chips, and I would do a little market research myself, before they ever read this. And I would structure that report just to engage with some of the issues that Dr. Dichter has in here. "Is it healthy? You know, when do you have it? When do you eat potato chips? What is your parents' attitudes towards them?" etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Then I would give them the report, and then I would ask them to either discuss, or perhaps answer some questions, about how they think the report has influenced their attitudes, and then have a discussion about that. I mean, that way they could see the way that what they do has been influenced, or perhaps not influenced, you know, by this orientation that Dichter suggested. In a classroom setting, you could ask students also to interview their parents about their attitudes towards potato chips. So, you could have structured into a class, both assessment as to what extent this report influenced the way people eat potato chips, and to what extent it is fantasy, to what extent that Dichter has ideas that he can transform attitudes, that he's unable to do so. You could ask students to do some research in different periodicals to see what the themes were of Lay's potato chips advertising, or other kinds of advertising—and that could teach them how to interpret the ads and to see the intent, you know, behind them.