Salem Witch Trials: Documentary Archive and Transcription Project

Image, Witchcraft at Salem Village, 1876, Salem Witch Trials

This website presents a valuable collection of resources for examining the Salem Witch trials of 1692. There are full-text versions of the three-volume, verbatim Salem Witch trial transcripts, an extensive 17th-century narrative of the trials, and full-text pamphlets and excerpts of sermons by Cotton Mather, Robert Calef, and Thomas Maule. The site also offers four full-text rare books written in the late 17th and early 18th centuries about the witchcraft scare. Descriptions and images of key players in the trials are presented as well.

Access is provided to more than 500 documents from the collections of the Essex County Court Archives and the Essex Institute Collection, and roughly 100 primary documents housed in other archives. There are also seven maps of Salem and nearby villages. Basic information on the history of Salem/Danvers is complemented by eight related images and a brief description of 14 historical sites in Danvers.

Liberty Rhetoric and 19th-Century American Women

Print, Early 19th Century Woman

Prepared by Catherine Lavender, Professor of History at the College of Staten Island, this site teaches students about 19th-century women's use of "liberty rhetoric,"—the way of speaking about the relationship between the citizen and the state—to argue for their own liberties. The site focuses on three topics. The first section offers seven documents, two poems, and three images depicting origins of liberty rhetoric in the Revolutionary tradition. The second section provides nine documents and five images tracing the operations of the textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts, and the liberty rhetoric that the female mill workers used during their strikes in 1834 and 1836.

This section also offers a Lowell Girl Pictorial Gallery with ten images of Lowell and the working lives of the young women who flocked to the mill town to experience some measure of autonomy and to earn money in the mills. The third section provides the text of the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments and compares it to the Declaration of Independence as an expression of liberty rhetoric.

Also provides five links to other sites, including the Library of Congress National American Women's Suffrage Association Collection and the Rochester University Susan B. Anthony Center's History of the Suffrage Movement. This site is easily navigable and provides high-quality primary document case studies on these three events in women's history.


Photo, "The tour bus," Million Mom March, Jo Freeman, 2004

A collection of articles and photographs by Jo Freeman, feminist activist, analyst, reporter, and political consultant from the 1960s to the present-day. Offers more than 70 articles—most of which have been published previously—arranged in 13 categories. These include the feminist movement; women's political history; women, law, and public policy; and social protest in the 1960s. Freeman, who worked on the Senator Alan Cranston 's campaign staff during his 1984 run for president, also offers her diary that reveals day-to-day details of campaign life. Freeman's recent writings for Senior Women Web offer her perspectives on current issues.

Also includes more than 40 photographs taken by Freeman at the Democratic conventions of 1964 and 1968; the 1966 "March against Fear," led by James Meredith; Eugene McCarthy's 1968 presidential campaign; and flags displayed at Brooklyn locations in response to the September 11, 2001, attacks. A 2,300-word biographical essay by historian Jennifer Scanlon provides a cogent summary of Freeman's public life and thought. The site is word-searchable and provides 30 links to politically-oriented sites. Of interest to those studying U.S. women's history and political activism since the 1960s.

Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World

Logo, Gifts of Speech

Charting changes in women's rhetoric in the public realm from 1848 to the present is possible through this archive of more than 400 speeches by influential, contemporary women. These include prominent female politicians and scientists, as well as popular culture figures. There is an emphasis on the United States (particularly after 1900), including speeches from women as diverse as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, Mary Church Terrell, Marie Curie, Helen Keller, Emma Goldman, Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Friedan, and Ayn Rand. A nearly complete list of Nobel lectures by women laureates provides access to acceptance speeches.

The search function is particularly useful for pulling speeches from a diverse collection into common subject groups. It also allows for the study of the language of women's public debate by following changes in the use of particular metaphors or idioms, such as the concept "motherhood."

Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement

Logo, Documents From the Women's Liberation

A collection of more than 50 documents--including journal and newspaper articles, speeches, papers, manifestoes, essays, press releases, a minute book, organization statements, songs, and poems—concerning the women's liberation movement, with a focus on U.S. activity in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Organized into eight subject headings—General and Theoretical; Medical and Reproductive Rights; Music; Organizations and Activism; Sexuality and Lesbian Feminism; Socialist Feminism; Women of Color; and Women's Work and Roles—and searchable by keyword. Includes five related links. Selected primarily by Duke University professor Anne Valk, with assistance from Rosalyn Baxandall (SUNY, Old Westbury) and Linda Gordon (University of Wisconsin, Madison). Useful for those studying women's history and late 20th-century radical movements.

Dickinson Electronic Archives

Image, Introductory graphic, Dickinson Electronic Archives

This website on Emily Dickinson's work assembles a diverse array of material on Dickinson and her relatives. Access to the archive of correspondence is restricted, but more than 50 items from the writings of Susan Dickinson are available, as well as a notebook written by Edward Dickinson. Also included is a biography of Susan Dickinson. Responses to Dickson's poetry includes "A Poets' Corner of Responses to Dickinson's Legacy" which offers more than 30 short essays by poets discussing Emily Dickinson's poetry, some with audio. Additionally, there are five articles on various aspects of Dickinson's poetry and links to five other articles. Teaching Resources includes links to more than 30 websites on Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and 19th-century American culture, as well as links to websites of seven courses that utilized the Dickinson archives.

The site is searchable by keyword, but there is no advanced search feature. Links to 12 related sites are provided, as well as brief descriptions and links to four other related sites with biographical and critical materials. Despite the restriction on Dickinson's correspondence, this site is a good starting point for research on Emily Dickinson and her poetry.

Carrie Chapman Catt Girlhood Home and Museum


Carrie Chapman Catt's childhood home is a good starting place for research about her work in the suffrage movement. The site provides a 900-word biographical essay of Catt, seven photographs of the 1865 Iowa farmhouse where she grew up, and a 300-word essay about the house, but its primary use is as a gateway to material about Catt and the suffrage movement. The site provides links to more than 100 archival sites, including a collection of 15 recordings of Catt speaking about suffrage. Bibliographies list 20 books, articles, and speeches by Catt, 15 books, articles, and dissertations about Catt, and 24 movies and television documentaries about suffrage. In addition, the site presents a 1,200-word essay by archivist David McCartney about FBI files on Catt.

By Popular Demand: "Votes for Women" Suffrage Pictures, 1850-1920

Logo, "Votes for Women" Suffrage Pictures, 1850-1920

A collection of 38 images relating to the women's suffrage campaign, including individual portraits, photographs of parades, newspaper cartoons, and anti-suffrage items. Searchable by keyword and arranged into subject and name indexes, the site also includes a lengthy timeline, "One Hundred Years Toward Suffrage," a bibliography, and a list of related holdings in the Library of Congress. This site is the "pictorial partner" to the documents in "'Votes for Women': Selections from the National American Woman Suffrage Collection, 1848-1920."

African American Women

Photo, Elizabeth Johnson Harris, African-American Women

Writings of three African American women of the 19th century are offered in this site. Features scanned images and transcriptions of an 85-page memoir by Elizabeth Johnson Harris (1867-1923), a Georgia woman whose parents had been slaves, along with 13 attached pages of newspaper clippings containing short prose writings and poems by Harris; a 565-word letter written in 1857 by a North Carolinia slave named Vilet Lester; and four letters written between 1837 and 1838 by Hannah Valentine and Lethe Jackson, slaves on an Abingdon, VA, plantation.

The documents are accompanied by three background essays ranging in length from 300 to 800 words, six photographs, a bibliography of seven titles on American slave women, and eight links to additional resources. Though modest in size, this site contains documents of value for their insights into the lives of women living under slavery and during its aftermath in the South.

Across the Generations: Exploring U.S. History through Family Papers

Photo, Edward Kellogg Dunham, Sr., with daughter Theodora, Wilhelm (?), 1897

This collection from one of the nation's leading repositories for sources on women's history features photographs, letters, account books, diaries, legal documents, artwork, and memorabilia generated by four prominent northeastern families from the late 18th through the early 20th centuries. The four families—the Bodmans, Dunhams, Garrisons, and Hales—are white, middle-class families, and their experiences represent only a portion of American society in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

This site features 63 documents and images gathered from the families' papers ,and there are two ways to navigate them: by family or by one of four themes (Family Life, Social Awareness and Reform, Arts and Leisure, and Work). Each family or theme has its own page, with short (350–500 word) interpretive text combined with excerpts from the documents. Each excerpt is accompanied by links to the entire document—both a scanned image and a transcription.

The theme "family life" contains documents that reflect courtship patterns over the 19th century, childrearing practices, and 19th-century gender roles. "Social awareness and reform" features items related to the abolition of slavery and changing perceptions of race, and women's suffrage. Some of the materials within "arts and leisure" reflect increased opportunities for professional women artists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The "work" theme includes materials that demonstrate the barriers women faced within the workplace. This site, when supplemented with additional resources, can help show students how to use family papers to study U.S. history.