Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale


The creation of the Center for Dewey Studies, this site is devoted to the work of philosopher and educator John Dewey (1859-1952). It includes the tables of contents for each of the 37 volumes of The Collected Works of John Dewey; a chronology of Dewey's life and work, updated on a continuing basis with new information derived from his correspondence and other sources; a short annotated reading list; an extensive, updated bibliography of titles about Dewey; and information on editorial projects currently underway. The site also includes a short audio clip of Dewey reading an essay and links to the Southern Illinois University_s Morris Library's Special Collections site, where seven Dewey-related collections are housed. The Center for Dewey Studies was established in 1961 and has since "become the international focal point for research on Dewey's life and work."

The African-American Mosaic


Comprised of 15 essays, ranging from 700 to 1,800 words, and about 120 images, this exhibit is drawn from the black history and culture collections of the Library of Congress. The materials cover four areas: colonization, abolition, migrations, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA)--a New Deal program of the 1930s. Specific subjects include Liberia and the American Colonization Society; prominent abolitionists; Western migration, homesteading, and Chicago as the "promised land" for Southern blacks; and ex-slave narratives gathered by WPA writers. No primary texts are available here, but the essays are well-illustrated with historical photos and images.

Recovered Notebooks from the Thomas Harned Walt Whitman Collection


This site contains facsimiles of four of Walt Whitman's original notebooks—ranging in length from 24 to 210 pages—and two color photographs of a cardboard butterfly—with words from a poem by John Mason Neale printed on its ventral side—photographed on the poet's finger. These items disappeared from the Library of Congress in 1942 but were returned in 1995.

The notebooks contain both prose and poetry, and include ideas for prospective journal articles, early versions of poems that were used in Leaves of Grass, and notes taken during hospital visits to wounded Civil War soldiers. The site also includes articles on the preservation of these items.

Connecticut Historical Society


A nonprofit museum, library, and education center, the Connecticut Historical Society offers an abundance of resources through its website. Its collections document the cultural, social, political, economic, and military history of Connecticut.

Visit Online Exhibits to see resources the society currently offers online. As of July 10, 2012, the site features an exhibit on the department store G. Fox & Co., which operated in Hartford from 1847 until 1993. In Research, "Collection Highlights" features 25 artifacts pulled from the society's collections, ranging from Silly Putty to one of the flags that decorated Abraham Lincoln's box in Ford's Theatre on the day he was assassinated.

Educators will be most interested in three other resources found in Research:

  • The eMuseumfeatures more than 8,000 objects from the society's collections, including "clothing, furniture, weapons, needlework, tools, household objects, photographs, paintings, prints, drawings, and more." Visitors can search by keyword or by other categories, such as culture, date, and medium. Visitors can also browse specific collections, including "Connecticut Needlework: Women, Art, and Family, 1740-1840," "G. Fox & Co.," "Kellogg Brothers Lithographs," "Tavern and Inn Signs," "West End Architecture," and "Women Photographers."
  • Connecticut History Online offers more than 16,000 primary sources from Connecticut, searchable by keyword. Eleven "Journeys" introduce visitors to resources related to diversity, work and the workplace, daily life, the environment, and infrastructure. Each journey features photo essays made up of three or more images, tips for searching for related sources, and suggestions for further reading. "Classroom" provides lesson plans, classroom activities, and guidelines on using and citing primary sources and analyzing images.
  • Connecticut's Civil War Monuments features essays on monuments' purpose, designs, supplies and materials, artists and materials, and dedication ceremonies, and listings of Civil War monuments by location. Each listing includes a photo of the monument and its dedication date, type, supplier, donor, and height, as well as a brief summary of its historical and artistic significance, a description of the monument, and a transcription of its lettering.

The Sonic Memorial Project


This is an ambitious project that details the history of the World Trade Centers and September 11th through sound. Originally started by NPR_s Kitchen Sisters who host the radio program "Lost and Found Sound," this site harnesses the strengths of many organizations involved in image, audio, and video archiving such as Picture Projects and the September 11th Digital Archive. To date they have received more than 1,000 contributions from individuals and organizations that describe not just the thoughts or memories of September 11th survivors, but also narrations of events, such as weddings, that took place in the Towers. The site also contains a section for educators with six curriculum modules of two to three lessons each. In sum, this is an multi-sensory site that engages modern history and its impact on modern America.

The Franklin County Publication Archives Index


This resource was designed for researchers and genealogists interested in Franklin County, MA, or social history in the late 19th century. It provides more than 12,000 articles from January 1870 to September 1873, organized by a full-text index. Gathered from the Greenfield Courier and Gazette, the articles are searchable by subject, and address topics such as African Americans, birth control, crime, cults, immigration, food, and bicycling.

The articles were chosen according to the interests of the site creator and emphasize social history and daily life. Information is also available on local court cases, cosmetics, fashion, and wife abuse. Article lengths vary from a few words to more than 700 words, but most are about 40 words. There are some explanatory comments and links within the text that provide biographical information of individuals and descriptions of 19th-century terminology, celebrations, or illnesses. The articles have been transcribed; original documents are not viewable. A valuable resource.

George Catlin and His Indian Gallery


George Catlin, a lawyer turned painter, traveled throughout the American West in the early 19th century to chronicle the Native American experience. His paintings of the Plains Indians are the center of this virtual exhibit. From 1830 to 1836, Catlin visited more than 50 tribes from North Dakota to Oklahoma. His original Indian Gallery was designed to document the transformation of Native Americans and "rescue from oblivion" their customs and lifestyle.

Thirty-one of Catlin's more than 400 paintings are presented in this virtual museum, including one of William Clark, the famous explorer of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Designed for middle school and high school teachers the "classroom" section offers lesson plans that incorporate George Catlin's paintings, Native American artifacts, and primary documents to teach students about early American history, geography, and art appreciation. The lesson plans are thematic and feature scholarly commentaries on the life and work of Catlin. A valuable resource for teaching about the Indian Removal of the 1830s, the transformation of the Western frontier, and the encounter of Anglo American and Native American cultures.

LBJ Oral History Project Online


This oral history archives offers more than 1,150 transcripts of interviews about Lyndon Baines Johnson, his political career, and his presidency with more than 780 political associates, persons who served in Johnson's administration, family members, and figures in public life from the 1950s and 1960s. Interviewees from the administration include William Bundy, Ramsey Clark, Clark Clifford, Robert McNamara, Walt Rostow, Dean Rusk, Maxwell Taylor, and William Westmoreland. Interviews with politicians include Senators Dirksen, Goldwater, McGovern, Inouye, Proxmire, Stennis, and Tower. Other interviews include evangelist Billy Graham, writer David Halberstam, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Chief Justice Earl Warren, and NAACP executive director Roy Wilkins. Interview subjects range from Vietnam, political events, and civil rights to Johnson's place in history and the experience of working in the Johnson administration. Searching is limited to individual transcripts using Adobe Acrobat "binocular" button, but the archive can be browsed fairly quickly.

Red White Blue & Brimstone: New World Literature and the American Millennium


An exhibit of 101 images with a 10,000-word essay that tracks the influence of the Book of Revelations' apocalyptic vision of history in shaping conceptions of America and its destiny for religious zealots and others from the colonial era to the present. With images primarily from published texts—covers, title pages, illustrations, and relevant pages of writing—the exhibit is divided into 14 chronological sections, each opening with a quote from Revelations and detailing its relevance in successive historical periods. The exhibit begins with the period of the English Reformation, when John Foxe's Book of Martyrs, exported to America, related contemporary political events to scripture and established a timeline that proved influential over the next 250 years. The site covers beliefs that American Indians were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel; Cotton Mather's sermons as the culmination of a century of speculation about America's place in the apocalyptic scheme; early nationalist ambitions as fulfilling prophecy; and the influence of Revelations on Thomas Jefferson. The site also looks at William Miller's numerologically-based predictions of the end of the world in 1843; millennial movements in the antebellum era; urban exposÎs that conceived of American cities as present-day incarnations of Babylon; and 20th-century anti-Semitic thought. Well organized, the exhibit provides a useful introduction to students of American religion and culture of the persistence of the power of the Book of Revelations, but exaggerates its importance with the odd claim that no other book has "produced a more profound vision of America's hopes, duties, dreams, and destiny."

Lionel Hampton: His Life and Legacy


A tribute to jazz great Lionel Hampton, this site explains the long friendship between a university and a musician (after whom the University of Idaho named the Lionel Hampton School of Music). The site includes a 1,000-word biography of Hampton, as well as a timeline of his relationship to the school. Also included are a gallery of 23 photographs and a collection of nine videos of Hampton performing and conducting teaching sessions. A PDF version of Hampton's discography rounds out the collection.