
Screenshot, Lewis & Clark's Expedition to the Complex West, DocsTeach

DocsTeach, a National Archives and Records Administration project, recognizes the need to bring primary sources into your classroom. To assist in the effort, NARA has pulled together thousands of primary sources, as well as a selection of pre-made activities and tools for building your own primary-source-centric activities.

Documents offers exactly what it sounds like it would—primary sources. The sources are divided into chronological categories—Revolution and the New Nation, Expansion and Reform, Civil War and Reconstruction, Development of the Industrial United States, Emergence of Modern America, Great Depression and World War II, Postwar United States, and Contemporary United States. Results can then be narrowed further by selecting audio/visual, charts/graphics/data, image, map, or written document. If you prefer, you can use a keyword search. All search results are shown with thumbnails to give you a small preview of the sources for your consideration.

Activities provides pre-made classroom activities. These require access to a computer, and are based on the same tools which the site provides for making your own activities. You can also sort them by historical thinking skill—chronological thinking, comprehension, analysis and interpretation, research capabilities, and issues-analysis and decision-making. Registering gives you access to a much larger collection, many of which are created by other educators. There is no registration cost.

If you're registered, consider making your own activity for use by yourself and others. There are tools which help students to create sequences, participate in analytical discussion, connect documents, geographically map documents, use documents to gain an understanding of the bigger picture, weigh evidence, and examine source context.

Take a moment to peruse the Teacher Resources as well. Here, you can find information on national history standards, using DocsTeach activities in the classroom, Bloom's taxonomy, and the National Council of Social Studies.

Read our Digital Classroom article on DocsTeach for more detailed information on using the site.

Throughout the Ages

Photo, A small boy with chicks on a farm. . . , 1932, New York State Archives

Throughout the Ages was created to meet the primary source needs of New York state K-6 history teachers. The site collection includes more than 500 photographs, letters, paintings, advertisements, and maps.

To navigate the site, choose an area of interest and subtopic (for example "leisure" under the heading "community"), and scroll to a source of interest. The source will offer a caption. In some cases, historical context, focus questions, and the correlating New York state standards will also be listed. Be sure to click on each of these section titles, as items such as resources and historical background only display once selected.

One feature to look into is the automatic handout maker. For each image, you can automatically generate a handout by selecting any or all of the following categories: caption, historical background, standards/key ideas, historical challenge, interdisciplinary connections, and resources. For some images, these will already be filled out. For others, you can type anything you want for all, some, or one of those categories. Don't worry about deleting existing text if you don't want it on your handout. It will be back the next time you load your page.

1939 World's Fair Photograph Collection

Photo, "The Old Dominion's youngest M.F.H. " c. 1939

For the Court of States exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair in New York, the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce prepared a collection of albums containing more than 3,000 photographs on "twelve aspects of Virginia life: scenic tours; recreation; historic homes; culture; history; colonial archaeology; scenery and natural wonders; physiography; agriculture; education; government and the people; and industry, commerce, and transportation." These photographs are accessible according to 10 Library of Congress subject headings: geographic location, personal name, building name, historic subjects, and keywords appearing in bibliographic records. Useful for those interested in Virginia history or studying practices of historical memory.

Defunct Amusement Parks

Graphic, "Visit Rocky Glen Park"

This site contains information on defunct amusement parks. It features an interactive map of the United States that allows visitors to click on any state for information about nearly 600 defunct amusement parks. Information on the parks is inconsistent—for some parks, only basic information about openings and closings, location, and what remains is available. For other parks, there are photographs, postcards, historical details, and personal remembrances of its patrons. There are more than 300 photographs and at least 50 postcards of parks featured on the site. For connoisseurs of carousels and roller coasters, a links page directs users to seven other sites dealing with different aspects of amusement park memorabilia. As an ongoing collaborative project, the site encourages those with photographs and recollections to contribute.

New York Philharmonic Digital Archives

Score, Beethoven, Complete Strings Quartet, Leonard Bernstein, NY Philharmonic

The New York Philharmonic Digital Archive contains materials dating back to 1842 and the original concert of New York Philharmonic, the oldest symphony orchestra in the U.S.

Sources available include business papers, images, programs, and scores. Other source types are in planning. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to browse the collection. You can either search for specific keywords, or leave the keyword box empty and select a source type—for example "Images." This will give you a list of all of the archive images to sift through. There are then menus on the left to help you pare the search down. However, the array of choices in the menus themselves is so extensive that patience is required to navigate the collection effectively.

That said, if you have anything specific that you are looking for, or you have time to explore, this website is potentially an invaluable source for music history. Scores may be the most use in the classroom, as they essentially give you an interactive (if you're willing to teach a song) form of period text.

William Steinway Diary, 1861-1896 aharmon Tue, 06/21/2011 - 13:05
Photo, William Steinway and family, 1882, Napoleon Sarony, Henry Z. Steinway Ar.

Who is William Steinway, and what makes his diary so noteworthy? From some perspectives, Steinway is a perfectly average person, giving readers a view into daily life in the 1800s. However, he also happened to be a partner in the newly formed (and later famed) family business Steinway and Sons, a name likely familiar to readers who have played the piano. Another point in the favor of the importance of the diary is that its 2,500 pages begin just eight days after the beginning of the Civil War and three days before William's wedding—a time of personal and national change. While William was not a soldier, his younger brother Albert was, giving the diary a perspective on both home and military life in the Civil War. The diary continues until November 8, 1896, within a month of William's death.

The website offers a digitized and fully transcribed version of William's diary. For any page, you can view both the original and the transcribed text. It's also possible to enter any date of your choosing, and go straight to that page. Users can also find a family tree with short biographies of William and Albert Steinway, as well as William's first wife Elizabeth Roos Steinway; more than 50 photos of the family, useful for putting faces to William's story; and Resources such as scholarly articles on the piano industry of the day and lists of abbreviations and German words and phrases found within the diary.

Eventually, users will be able to search the diary by topic as well.

Taking the Mystery out of Copyright

Screenshot, Taking the Mystery out of Copyright

Taking the Mystery out of Copyright provides a very brief introduction to copyright and the history of intellectual property. If you need anything beyond the very basics, unless you are interested in the major historical milestones leading to current copyright protection, this site probably will not meet your needs. However, if all you want to do is introduce the idea of copyright to very young students, you may find the site useful.

Visitors can select one of four sections. Copyright Exposed is a short animated video set to funk music which provides the basic idea that copyright "has got your back" when you produce a creative work. Files on Record provides a timeline of intellectual property history. Each milestone is accompanied by a primary source from the Library of Congress's collections. Here, you can read a few sentences on the Licensing Act of 1662 or the 1990 Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act. Reading the Fine Print offers two- to five-sentence answers on applications of copyright—protection of ideas, copyright on items you find, copyright on the Internet, when people can use your work without asking, the right to use a small sample of another work, and the reasons for registration. Steps to Copyright informs readers on how to register copyright (make something, fill out the form, pay the appropriate fee, and send nonreturnable copies).

HSI: Historical Scene Investigation

Photo, [Mary A. Shanley, New York City detective. . . ], 1937, LoC

HSI was created in order to facilitate the use of primary sources in history education. By using the concept of historians as detectives, the site has collected several "cases" for students to examine using a pre-vetted set of related primary sources. The site describes the HSI model as having four steps:

  1. Becoming a Detective—basic context and introduction of an overarching question
  2. Investigating the Evidence—examining primary sources
  3. Searching for Clues—answering questions which organize analysis of primary sources
  4. Cracking the Case—presentation of an evidence-based conclusion and questions formed by the investigation

Site navigation is not as intuitive as it could be. Be prepared to use the "back" button frequently. That quibble aside, the site offers a good variety of cases—the March on Frankfurt, children in the Civil War, refusal to attend the Constitutional Convention, slavery in Virginia, school desegregation, the Boston Massacre, the demise of Jamestown, the dropping of the bomb on Japan, Elvis and Nixon's meeting, a genealogy case, the Battle of Lexington and Concord, and Nathaniel Bacon. There is also a fictional murder/cause-of-death case which can be used to introduce students to the process and way of thinking which each of the historical cases requires.

Children and Youth in History

Detail, homepage

This website presents historical sources and teaching materials that address notions of childhood and the experiences of children and youth throughout history and around the world. Primary sources can be found in a database of 200 annotated primary sources, including objects, photographs and paintings, quantitative evidence, and texts, as well as through 50 website reviews covering all regions of the world. More than 20 reviews and more than 70 primary sources relate to North American history.

The website also includes 20 teaching case studies written by experienced educators that model strategies for using primary sources to teach the history of childhood and youth, as well as 10 teaching modules that provide historical context, strategies for teaching with sets of roughly 10 primary sources, and a lesson plan and document-based question. These teaching resources cover topics ranging from the transatlantic slave trade, to girlhood as portrayed in the novel Little Women, to children and human rights. Eight case studies relate to North American history, as do two teaching modules.

The website also includes a useful introductory essay outlining major themes in the history of childhood and youth and addressing the use of primary sources for understanding this history.

International Center of Photography

JFK, on the campaign trail, 1960, photograph by Cornell Capa

This museum and school was founded "to keep the legacy of 'Concerned Photography' alive" by bringing the work of more than 3,000 photographers and other artists to the public. The Permanent Collection spans the history of photography, from daguerreotypes of the 18th century to gelatin sliver to digital. About 12,000 images from the ICP collection are available digitally via the ICP's eMuseum (with more forthcoming). The database features simple and advanced search options, and can be browsed by collection or person. The eMuseum also includes brief biographies of many of the photographers in the database.

The ICP also recently published a free, downloadable curriculum guide, Focus on Photography, targeted at grades K-12 designed to help educators teach with photographs. There are four sections: "Visual Literacy," "Teaching Photography," "Curriculum Connections," and "Resources." The guide spans topics from general, such as the "Language of Photography," to strategies for using photography to meet educational goals. Specific sections focus on "Photography and History," "Photography and Social Studies," and "Photography and Writing," among others.

In addition to its archival holdings, the ICP hosts an annual lecture series for distinguished photographers to present their work and engage with the public. With video offerings from 1995 to the present, and, audio spanning 1974 to 2000, these lectures encompass the wide range of photography and afford a unique perspective on the craft.

The ICP's quality photo archive and detailed curriculum guide work hand-in-hand to make this an excellent resource for teachers interested in using photography across the curriculum.