Civil War Women

Portrait, Rose Greenhow, 1863, Civil War Women

These Civil War-era documents relate to three American women of diverse backgrounds and political persuasions. The site includes correspondence and news clippings relating to Rose O'Neal Greenhow, a Confederate spy and Washington socialite, whose espionage work was so appreciated by Jefferson Davis that he "credited her with winning the battle of Manassas"; correspondence, a testimonial, and a pension certificate relating to Sarah E. Thompson, who organized Union sympathizers near her home in the predominately Confederate-leaning town of Greenville, Tennessee, aided Union officers, served as an army nurse, and lectured about her war experiences; and 16-year-old Alice Williamson, a Gallatin, Tennessee, schoolgirl who kept a 36-page diary from February to September 1864 about the Union occupation of her town and atrocities attributed to the invading army.

The materials are accompanied by 500-700 word background essays, images of original documents, and photographs of Greenhow and Thompson. Also contains nine links to additional resources.

Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project

Photo, Portrait of Irene Parsons, circa 1945, University of North Carolina

The Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project provides access to a wide variety of sources related to the role of women in the military. These document the female war experience, how male-female integration has changed the armed forces, and more.

Sources available through this collection include diaries, oral histories, uniforms, military patches, scrapbooks, posters, books or pamphlets, photographs, and letters. The oral histories alone number more than 300, and are available as transcripts.

There are three ways to access the site content. You can either run a keyword search; select a military branch or related organization—Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Red Cross, Cadet Nurse Corps, or foreign and/or civilian; or select a conflict—World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Post-Vietnam/1980s, or Gulf War/War on Terrorism. Selecting a branch or conflict will provide a list of the types of sources available, as well as how many of each there are. Select your source type of interest to see the individual items.

American Women's Dime Novel Project

Book cover, "Wild, and Willful, or a Hoiden's Love," Lucy Randall Comfort

This site examines the changing role of women's dime novels in America from 1870 to 1920. Rather than simply collect texts or author biographies (although it does that), the site is built around the goal of analyzing the novels and placing them in historical context. A 3,000-word Overview describes the novels' growth in popularity and explains their appeal to working-class audiences. In addition, it details the Comstock campaign against dime novels that blamed novels for glorifying petty crime such as larceny. There are 250-word biographies of 24 authors who specialized in dime novels, as well as title lists for each of the authors. Except for the explanatory essay and the biographies, the bulk of the site consists of approximately 300 primary source materials, including 12 journal articles dating back to 1875. The website also offers links to three outside collections of dime novel cover art and contains a list of archives with significant collections of dime novels in their holdings (the collections include 285 novel covers), including the Library of Congress. The site includes 12 essays by 20th-century scholars examining the importance and impact of dime novels, and a chapter from an 1860s dime novel, Willful Gaynell. Despite its reliance on secondary sources rather than primary, the site provides a useful introduction to studies of 19th- and early-20th-century women's literature.

James Fenimore Cooper Society

Painting, James Fenimore Cooper, 1822

Hard-to-find works by the great American writer James Fenimore Cooper (1789–1851) and his eldest daughter Susan Fenimore Cooper (1813–1894), a writer and naturalist, are provided, in addition to reference documents, articles, and papers on Cooper, all well-indexed. In total, the site provides more than 300 texts. Nine full works by Cooper—annotated by transcriber Hugh MacDougall—are offered, including short stories, a novel, social satires, a surviving scene from Cooper's only play, and a never-completed history of New York. The site includes plot summaries for all of Cooper's 32 novels and four 19th-century spoofs and parodies of Cooper's works.

In addition, Susan Cooper's introductions to 25 of her father's novels are provided along with 12 of her writings, including a novel, stories for children, and an argument against female suffrage. A good source for lesser-known works by Cooper and his daughter, and for recent studies that discuss Cooper's historical significance.

Freedom Now! An Archival Project of Tougaloo College and Brown University

Brochure, Fundraising to aid. . . , 1970, NAACP, Tougaloo College Archives

This searchable archive offers more than 250 documents from the Mississippi Freedom Movement, the struggle to register African Americans to vote in Mississippi in the early 1960s, and the continuing Brown-Tougaloo Cooperative Exchange that grew out of it. The Freedom Movement was "one of the most inspiring and important examples of grass-roots activism in U.S. history." The archive includes books; manuscripts; periodicals; correspondence; interview transcripts; photographs; artifacts; and legal, organizational, and personal documents.

The collection can be searched by document type, keyword, or topic, including black power/black nationalism, college students, gender issues, incarceration, labor issues, legislation, media, non-violence, protest, segregation, and state government. The site offers two lesson plans on the Mississippi Freedom Movement based on documents in the database, one focused on the experiences of college-aged civil rights workers during the Freedom Movement and the other on voter registration. Other teaching resources include links to five websites on teaching with primary documents, six sites related to the African-American civil rights movement, and eight related books. This site is a useful resource for researching the Mississippi Freedom Movement, the history and people of the civil rights movement, or African-American history.


Logo, LexisNexis

This service provides full-text and keyword searching to more than 5,900 news, business, legal, medical, and reference publications. The database accesses current and recent issues of more than 50 major English-language newspapers, including the New York Times and The Washington Post back to 1980 or earlier. The database also offers more than 400 magazines and journals, 600 newsletters, and transcripts of radio and television broadcasts from major networks.

Legal materials include Federal and state cases, laws, codes, and regulations and law review articles. Business resources include SEC filings and reports and corporate financial information and profiles. The site also provides statistical tables of data pertaining to industries, biographical information, country and state profiles, polls and surveys, and the World Almanac and Book of Facts. Access to various parts of this enormous resource varies by subscription agreement.

Slavery in Canada

 Photo, William Henson escaped from slavery. . . , Daniel G. Hill, NYPL

This website covers a topic that often goes overlooked—that slavery spread as far north as Canada.

Resources include portions of a slave autobiography; slave narratives; Underground Railroad stories and songs; articles from abolitionist newspapers; short timelines (1600-1699, 1700-1799, 1800-1899, and 1900-present); more than 60 biographies of slaves; 10 images, including maps, photographs, artworks, and newspaper scans; radio and documentary links; and a collection of web links relevant to the topic. The included glossary and chapter quizzes are not currently working.

However, the site could prove useful for locating primary sources which attest to the geographical breadth of slavery in North America.

Seattle Black Panther Party History and Memory Project

Photo, Seattle Black Panther Party History and Memory Project

In 1968, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense established a chapter in Seattle, one of the first outside of California. This website, devoted to portraying the history and collecting the memories of that chapter, is "the most extensive online collection of materials" for any Black Panther Party chapter. It includes 13 oral histories and brief biographies of key Black Panther Party members, 53 photographs documenting Black Panther events in the late 1960s, more than 100 news stories covering Party activities from 1968 to 1981 (four years after the Party was dissolved), testimony and exhibits from the 1970 Congressional Hearings investigating the Party, and all five issues of the Seattle Black Panther Party "Bulletin." A "Slide Show" highlighting some of these materials is a good place to begin for those unfamiliar with Black Panther Party history.

This website is part of the larger Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project, which provides extensive materials that can serve as historical context, such as a guide to civil rights groups from the 1910s to the 1970s, 14 2,000-word essays on the ethnic press in Seattle, 13 other "Special Sections" on topics such as segregation in Seattle, and 37 in-depth essays on historical topics such as the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. In addition, a "For Teachers" section provides eight lesson plans using the website's material for middle and high school students.

Paul Laurence Dunbar Digital Collection

ook cover, Candle-Lightin' Time, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Women Working, 1800-1930

Paul Laurence Dunbar, born in 1872 in Dayton, OH, to a former slave and a veteran of the 55th Massachusetts Volunteers, was a poet and novelist known for his innovative use of dialect and colorful language, and is widely-recognized as the first African American poet to gain widespread international attention. This website makes available more than 200 of his poems, transcribed, listed alphabetically by title, and keyword searchable.

It also presents a fully browseable collection of more than 10 of his books, ranging in date from Oak and Ivy (1893) through Joggin' Erlong (1906,) and also including Lyrics of Lowly Life (1896), which includes the famous "Ode to Ethiopia," for which he gained national recognition. The website also contains the sheet music and transcribed libretto for three songs for which Dunbar wrote the words.

These works are accompanied by a selection of 11 photographs of Dunbar, his friends, and family, as well as 20 images of the covers of his books.

North American Slave Narratives, Beginnings to 1920

Image, "Fighting the Mob in Indiana," 1892, North American Slave Narratives

Offering 230 full-text documents, this collection presents the written lives of American slaves, including all known published slave narratives and many published biographies of slaves. Materials include autobiographical narratives of fugitive and former slaves published in a range of formats, such as broadsides, pamphlets, and books.

In addition, biographies of fugitive and formal slaves and fictionalized slave narratives are included. The collection includes well-known authors, such as Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass, as well as many authors less commonly known. Documents are available in HTML and SGML/TEI file formats and are accessible through alphabetical and chronological listings. Users can also view images of the covers, spines, title pages, and versos of title pages. Documents have been indexed by subject, but searches return materials in additional collections. An introductory essay by Professor William Andrews is available.