History Cooperative


This website provides full-text access to 22 academic history journals, including major titles, such as the American Historical Review and the Journal of American History, and smaller journals, such as the Journal of Social History, the Western Historical Quarterly, and the Journal of World History. Available journals include current issues and coverage from the recent past, going back as far as 1999, in PDF and HTML format. The website offers keyword and Boolean searching as well as advanced searching by type of article. There are four additional resources, including conference proceedings, the Booker T. Washington Papers, and Historical Map Collections. Articles in the American Historical Review are available for free without a subscription; reviews are available only by subscription.

May 4 Collection, Kent State University

Photo, Don Drumm Sculpture, Kent State University

This site is designed to serve as a memorial to the four students killed at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, by National Guardsmen. Visitors will find 93 transcripts of oral history interviews taken at May 4th commemorations in 1990, 1995, and 2000. The oral histories, ranging from two and 35 minutes, are part of a larger collection. The site provides a 780-word chronology of events and a bibliography of 18 books, 90 articles, four complete issues of journals dedicated to May 4th events, and 25 websites about the tragedy. Exhibits include images of 11 memorials to the four slain students, three poems, and annual commemoration programs and photographs from 1971 to 1995. The site also includes finding aids for 71 offline collections and will be interesting for research in the 1960s, protest, and American education.

FDIC Historical Studies

Lithograph, "The War of Wealth," Strobridge & Co. Lith., c. 1896

On this site, the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC) provides information about the history of deposit insurance with a special emphasis on the bank failures of the 1980s and early 1990s. More than 800 pages of text are available in PDF format. Documents include a 76-page history of deposit insurance from the 19th century to the 1990s, a chronology and bibliography of 174 books and articles about the Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s, a listing of 27 government studies of deposit insurance and bank failures, annual statistical information on the banking industry beginning in 1934, and a listing of bank failures from 1991 to 2000. The site provides access to two two-volume studies about what the FDIC and Resolution Trust Corporation learned from the crisis years about the causes of bank failures and how to prevent them in the future. The material is presented in a way that is accessible to non-specialists. Economic and business historians will find the site useful for primary source material, while the site's analytic material might be used in upper-level high school and college courses.

The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: The 40th Anniversary

Photo, The tip of a Soviet R-12 (SS-4) medium-range missile. . .

In October 1962 the United States and Soviet Union came very close to war over Soviet plans to place missiles on Cuban soil. A recent movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis, Thirteen Days, inspired the National Security Archive to make a group of declassified documents relating to the tense incident available. The site includes 17 full-text images of declassified documents, such as the Joint Chiefs of Staff's suggestions on American response to the construction of missile sites in Cuba, a CIA Intelligence Estimate, correspondence, memoranda, and a post-mortem on the crisis. Eight audio clips of White House security briefings, two of which are partially transcribed, are also available, along with 12 U-2 spyplane photographs of missile launch sites.

The site also offers a chronology of events from a characterization of relations between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba in 1959, to the 13 days of crisis in October, 1962, and through 1992, when the last of five meetings on the crisis took place in Havana, Cuba.

A 1,000-word essay critical of the film Thirteen Days, a 1,500-word essay looking back on the Cold War, and excerpts from seven other documents and accounts of the crisis are also included.

The site provides the introduction (about 1,500 words) and the table of contents to The Cuban Missile Crisis, a documents reader edited by historians Lawrence Chang and Peter Kornbluh. This site is a good resource for students and teachers interested in Cold War relations.

Mapping the National Parks

Graphic, Mapping the National Parks

Funded by the Rockefeller Corporation and part of the Library of Congress American Memory Project, this site features approximately 200 maps that document the history, cultural aspects, and geological features of the areas that became the Acadia, Grand Canyon, Great Smoky Mountains, and Yellowstone National Parks. The maps date from the 17th century to the present and include early European, exploration, geological, environmental, United States Geological Survey, and National Park Service maps.

The site is divided into four sections, one for each of the featured national parks. Each section includes a 1200-word essay describing the history of the area and the process by which it became a national park, illustrated with five to seven maps.

The site also includes a bibliography of over 200 scholarly works on related topics. Other links include a 750-word general history of the mapping of national parks and a "Learn More About It" section that offers links to 14 Library of Congress Special Presentations and related collections and exhibits. The collection is keyword searchable and can be browsed by geographic location, subject, creator, and title. This easily navigable site is ideal for students and teachers interested in cartography, the National Parks system, and conservation in America.

Florida Heritage Collection

Graphic, Florida Heritage Collection

This project provides a collection of more than 280 digitized materials documenting the history of Florida from pre-contact to the present. It includes materials relating to Florida history, culture, arts, literature, and social sciences in a number of major thematic areas, including Native American and minority populations, exploration and development, tourism, natural environment, and regional interests. These materials are drawn from the archives, special collections, and libraries of the 10 state universities in the Florida system.

Items include family papers, local history books and booklets, diaries, advertising materials, and Civil War letters, business records, maps, and photographs. Many of the materials are regional or local in scope.

The site also includes an extensive (5000-word) Florida history narrative timeline from pre-contact (before 1492) to the present. A user guide and tutorial are provided, and the documents are searchable by county name, keyword, subject, author, or title. The search engine has an option for listing either electronic holdings only or all collection holdings under a particular subject. Entries in the electronic catalog include the archive in which the original is located as well as a 20-word description of the item and its contents.

Note that a few links are still under construction with no completion date indicated. The site is ideal for researching Florida's state and local history.

Conversations with History

Photo, John Arquilla, Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey

This is a collection of 107 transcribed interviews with "distinguished men and women from all over the world," about a wide range of topics. Harry Kreisler has been moderating this interview series since 1982 at the University of California at Berkeley. An additional 104 interviews are not available online.

Interviews are unedited and can be searched by interviewee, profession, topic, chronology, Berkeley faculty, and Berkeley alumni. The interviews may also be searched by keyword. Interviews are from three to 10 pages and address topics such as Africa, civil rights, Communism, ethics, free trade, human rights, and women's roles. Professions include education, diplomacy, law, journalism, psychiatry, history, policy making, and economics. Howard Zinn, Kofi Annan, and Robert MacNamara, among others, talk about everything from their own childhoods to global politics.

The "Research Galleries" present interview excerpts in text and video grouped around topics such as "China and the World," "Truth and Power," and "Women Role Models for the New Millenium." In some cases, the galleries include email conversations between interviewees, such as Alan Cranston, and high-school students. The site will be particularly useful for research in international relations.

Belgian-American Research Collection

Photo, Alex Parins farm, Woman displaying lay of the bricks, 1976

Designed to document the presence of Belgian immigrants in three Wisconsin counties, this site contains a variety of primary and secondary sources. Legal documents, diaries, letters, photographs, and oral histories are included, totaling some 1,500 resources. The site includes 400 architectural surveys, 54 oral histories (many given in Walloon, a primarily oral French patois spoken by generations of Belgian immigrants to Wisconsin), and approximately 500 pages of Immigration Histories.

The entire collection (with the exception of a few documents that have defied OCR translation) is searchable by keyword and can be browsed. This is a unique collection of primary sources, easily accessed, and usable by students, teachers, or researchers.

Club Kaycee, Golden Age of Kansas City Jazz

Photo, Lester Young

These 43 audio files present Kansas City jazz recordings that span the years 1906–1954. Most were recorded during the city's "Golden Age"—from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. Provides 100- to 500-word profiles on 28 jazz artists including Count Basie, Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Big Joe Turner, Benny Moten, and Andy Kirk.

Also includes a 1,700-word article on the 18th and Vine district, "internationally recognized as one of the cradles of jazz"; a 1,500-word article on the first Kansas City jazz band to become known nationwide in the 1920s, the Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawks Orchestra; shorter essays on Kansas City clubs and nightspots; a 26-title annotated bibliography; and a 45-title discography. Small photos of people and places accompany some of the essays. A good introduction to this important center of jazz creation that will be of interest not only to jazz aficionados, but to those studying 20th-century urban and cultural history.

American Roots Music

Photo, Happy Mose, c. 1911

A companion site to the four-part PBS series that began airing in October 2001 "to explore the roots of American music . . . Blues, Country, Bluegrass, Gospel, Cajun, Zydeco, Tejano, and Native American." Includes excerpts (from 1,500 to 6,000 words) from eight oral histories with important artists, including James Cotton, Bela Fleck, Arlo Guthrie, Buddy Guy, Flaco Jimenez, B. B. King, Alan Lomax, and Willie Nelson. Also provides profiles of up to 1,000 words each of 96 artists, 15 songs, and 5 instruments.

A Teacher's Guide includes four lessons geared to middle and high school social studies and history courses on "Finding the Story in the Song," "Desegregating the Airwaves: Blues on the Radio," "Gospel Music Meets a Wide Audience," and "The Strength of Native American Music."

This guide offers photos of some of the artists (but no audio files), a 120-title bibliography, and links to 28 related sites, but in its 2,000-word introduction fails to explain the reason that these particular types of music—and not other musical styles—have been defined as comprising the "roots of American music." Despite this vagueness of definition, the site will be valuable to students of American music and 20th-century cultural history for what it does include.