
Image, Timken Roller Bearing Company ad supporting war bonds, 1943, Ad*Access

Images of more than 7,000 advertisements printed primarily in newspapers and magazines in the United States from 1911 to 1955 appear on this well-developed site. The material is drawn from a collection of one of the oldest and largest advertising agencies, the J. Walter Thompson Company.

Advertisements are divided into five main subjects areas: Radio (including radios, radio parts, and programs); television (including television sets and programs); transportation (including airlines, rental cars, buses, trains, and ships); beauty and hygiene (including cosmetics, soaps, and shaving supplies); and World War II (U.S. Government-related, such as V-mail and bond drives). Ads are searchable by keyword, type of illustration, and special features. A timeline from 1915 to 1955 provides general context. "About Ad Access" furnishes an overview of advertising history, as well as a bibliography and list of advertising repositories.

Probing the Past

Logo, Probing the Past

Presenting 325 probate inventories, this website provides a unique window into daily life in Virginia and Maryland between 1740 and 1810. In this time period, county courts appointed appraisers, local men, to visit an estate after its owner died, list what was there, and estimate its value. These listings, called probate records or inventories, can be analyzed to illuminate a family's routines, rituals, and social relations, as well as a region's economy and connection to larger markets. These inventories are a sample from the region at this time, picked to be representative of the furnishings in George Mason's Gunston Hall. They are all digitized, transcribed, and searchable.

For a general overview, the inventories can be browsed by decade and county—including York, Norfolk, Richmond, and Fairfax counties in Virginia. For more detailed information on the role of material culture in colonial life, the site's Interpreting section presents interviews with two scholars who use probate records to discuss topics such as slavery and slave life, credit and debt, and women and property ownership. Three detailed lesson plans, written by Virginia teachers, are also available, providing suggestions for incorporating these rich sources into classroom learning.

Shaping the Constitution

Print, The Age of Brass. . . , 1869, Currier and Ives, Shaping the Constitution

Shaping the Constitution revolves around the role of Virginia in early American military and political history.

The first section, Becoming Free and Independent States, offers an overview of the perspectives of early Virginians on the Revolutionary War. The page includes biographies of figures of note, ranging from George Washington to Billy, a slave impressed by the British Navy. Each biography offers titles and/or web links for further reading. The main draw of the section, though, is a collection of 32 primary sources—broadsides, portraits, maps, warrants, petitions, a cartoon, and more. Each primary source can be selected for additional information, a transcript, related sources, and/or a high-resolution copy of the source. One surprise worth noting is that selecting the high-res copy of the source sometimes provides a PDF file with multiple related sources, rather than just the one you may have thought you were downloading.

Each of the following sections follow a similar structure—biographies, primary sources, and a short text overview. Topics include Virginia and the Constitutional debate; Bill of Rights; and 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments.

An additional feature, located within the majority of the individual sections is a "For Educators" button. This button opens a list of lesson plans and their respective Virginia standards. Only the 15th and 19th Amendment portions of the site lack this option.

A laudable fact about this website is that it provides unpleasant sources (such as a photo of an Alexandria slave pen) as well as copies of major government documents. These sources are useful for showing precisely what facts of historical life various political decisions and amendments were created to change.

Women in America: 1820 to 1842

Portrait, Alexis de Tocqueville, 1831

This site, created by a graduate student, presents fragments of 18 texts that discuss the condition of women written by visitors to the United States between 1820 to 1842. Authors include Charles Dickens, Alexis de Tocqueville, Charles Lyell, Michel Chevalier, and James Fenimore Cooper. The 13 topics include marriage and courtship, work, government, education, race, arts and entertainment, fashion, travel, prisons, wilderness, health, Indians, and religion. The primary purpose of the site—to ascertain the accuracy of "the picture of women in [Tocqueville's] Democracy in America" and "what parts of women's lives" Tocqueville and [Gustave de] Beaumont "missed"—suggests that it is best regarded as an exercise in simple description, not interpretation or even exposition of the texts. These particular concerns indeed mean that users will not be able to draw conclusions about Tocqueville's social or political theory, for instance, since the site does not ask what the omissions actually mean for the texts involved. The site is useful on its own terms, which some students may find compelling. But others may find it narrow and awkward. In either case, it should be read with questions of context and purpose in mind. Also offers a 20-item bibliography.

Women's Studies Database

Photo, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs, Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison

This site, by the Women's Studies group at the University of Maryland, presents primary materials relating to women's history. Offers the texts of the 1848 "Declaration of Sentiments," and Sojourner Truth's 1851 speech, "Ain't I A Woman?" Additionally, the site furnishes essays and timelines concerning the 19th amendment, a newsletter entitled Women of Achievement and Herstory, and 39 biographical sketches, which range from approximately 75 to 150 words each. The presentation is haphazard, and the search engine is cumbersome. The site is perhaps most valuable for its examination of the 1920 ratification of the 19th amendment.

Margaret Sanger Papers Project


Selected materials by and about the "birth control pioneer" Margaret Sanger (1879–1966) are provided here. A link to a companion site offers approximately 200 documents dealing with The Woman Rebel, Sanger's 1914 radical feminist monthly, for which she was indicted and tried for violation of federal obscenity laws.

The project plans to digitize more than 600 of Sanger's speeches and articles. At present, there are 25 transcribed speeches, 182 newspaper articles from 1911–1921, four public statements, a letter written by Sanger in 1915, and more than 50 articles from the Margaret Sanger Papers Project Newsletter, some of which contain primary source materials. There are plans to add to items regularly. Materials also include 27 links to sites offering Sanger writings, a biographical essay, and a bibliography. Links to collections of images and an MP3 file of Margaret Sanger's 1953 "This I Believe" speech are also available.

RaceSci: History of Race in Science

Logo, History of Race in Science

RaceSci is a site dedicated to supporting and expanding the discussion of race and science. The site provides five bibliographies of books and articles about race and science. The section on current scholarship has 1,000 entries, organized into 38 subjects. A bibliography of primary source material includes 91 books published between the 1850s and the 1990s. Visitors can currently view 14 syllabi for high school and college courses in social studies, history of science, rhetoric, and medicine. The site links to 13 recently published articles about race and science and to 49 sites about race, gender, health, science, and ethnicity. This site will be useful for teachers designing curricula about race and for researchers looking for secondary source material.

Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1998 jmccartney Thu, 09/10/2009 - 08:02
Logo, Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement

Furnishes secondary materials concerning women's rights efforts in the U.S. from 1848 to the present. Includes a 5,000-word history of the movement; a 7,000-word chronology of political activism; six curriculum ideas; a detailed list of activities for high school students, librarians, and teachers to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the movement; listings for 54 prominent women's history organizations, arranged alphabetically by state; basic information and/or links for 60 groups that treat contemporary women's issues; and descriptive listings for 18 "costumed history performers" who portray public figures in women's history. The site is sponsored by the National Women's History Project, "a nonprofit organization, founded in 1980, that is committed to providing education, promotional materials, and informational services to recognize and celebrate women's diverse lives and historic contributions to society."

Memories of the IWW by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn


Transcription of 30-page address by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn in 1962 at Northern Illinois University discussing memories of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Flynn talked about the Lawrence strike of 1912, Big Bill Haywood, Joe Hill, and the red scare of 1919. The words, music, and sheet music cover for Hill's song, "The Rebel Girl," are included in the transcription. The speech is illustrated with four photographs of Flynn, Haywood, and the Lawrence strike and followed by nine questions from the audience and Flynn's answers. Links throughout the text connect visitors to one to 15 pages of background information on names, events, and themes in Flynn's speech, but many do not work. A bibliography recommends four books and one movie about Flynn. The site will be interesting for anyone researching Flynn, labor or radicalism in the early 20th century, or the IWW.

20th-century Jewish Immigration


How is Jewish immigration generalized by textbooks?

Textbook Excerpt

Some textbook narratives point out large, well-known anti-Semitic groups but fail to examine in detail acts of violence against religious and cultural minorities or the acts those groups took to combat the virulent, unapologetic anti-Semitism.

Source Excerpt

A shared wellspring of religious and cultural traditions helped keep even the most contentious elements of the American Jewish community intertwined in some ways. For example, the 1910 Protocol of Peace was negotiated and signed by Jewish communal leaders and lawyers who represented both Jewish garment manufacturers and factory owners, and Jewish workers and labor activists.

Historian Excerpt

American Jewish history provides a test case for the question of how different the experiences of the “old” and “new” immigrants actually were, with a growing number of historians convinced that the period between 1820 and 1924 should more properly be seen as a continuous century of American Jewish migration that saw more structural similarities than discontinuities.


All textbooks cover the great wave of immigration that brought approximately 25 million people to America from 1880–1924. They provide a standard account of chain migration, ethnic urban neighborhoods, the Americanization movement, and the successful campaigns for restrictive immigration legislation. Eastern European Jews are often cited as examples of the new religious groups entering the U.S., as frequent participants in the labor activism that characterized industrial development, and as significant contributors to popular American culture, especially through music and movies. Several other significant elements of the Jewish immigrant experience receive little attention, but a closer look sheds light on the complicated turn-of-the-century immigration to America.

Jewish Immigration to the United States